1. Key Speaker, “Smart Power and Perception Management in Globalization Era”, 1st International Mediterranean and Mersin Symposium, Mersin University Campus, 1 – 3 November 2018, Mersin / Turkey.
2. Discussant and Commentator, “Turning Challenges into Opportunities”, Istanbul Security Conference, 2018, CONRAD Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul, 06-09 May 2018, Turkey.
3. “Rise of Extremism in the Global Arena”, Istanbul Security Conference 2017, CONRAD Bosphorus Hotel Istanbul, 07-09 May 2017, Turkey.
4. “Challenges for Turkish Migrants in Germany, France and Switzerland”, (with Türken Çağlar), Turkish Migration Conference 2016, Vienna University, Vienna, Republic of Austria, 15 – 17 July 2016.
5. “A Comparative Study of Turkish Migrants in Germany, France and Switzerland”, Turkish Migration Conference 2015, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 – 27 June 2015. Prague / Czech Republic.
6. Chair and Disscussant, “Europe in Turkish Migration Policy (Session 2A)”, Turkish Migration Conference 2015, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 – 27 June 2015, Prague / Czech Republic.
7. Chair and Disscussant, “Politics and Migration (Session 7B)”, Turkish Migration Conference 2015, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 – 27 June 2015, Prague / Czech Republic.
8. Openning Speech and Chair, “The 5th Multinational Energy and Value Conference”, Organized by CEVI, Hac Univ. Center for Energy Markets Research and Application and Kadir Has University, May 7-9, Istanbul, Turkey.
9. Moderator and Discussant, “The Forum for Social Work and Social Services in Turkey – Turkiye Sosyal Calisma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Forumu), Organized by Dept. Of Social Work, Hacettepe University, 19-21 April 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
10. Opening Speech on “4th Youth Meeting of Turkic World – 4. Geleneksel Turk Dunyasi Genclik Bulusmasi”, 17-19 April 2015, Organized by Turk Dunyasi Parlamenterler Dernegi, Prizren, Kosova.
11. Openning Speech, Chair and Discussant, “Understanding Turkey: Past and Present”, Organized by The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and Hacettepe University Strategical Research Center, The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, 4 February 2015.
12. Opening Speech on “Energy Security in Southeast Europe”, 7-8 November 2014, Organized by Hacettepe University Center for Energy Markets Application and Research, Izmir, Turkey.
13. Chair and Commentator, “Guvenlik – Ozgurluk Iliskisi – Security – Liberty Relationship” in Securing Liberty, Civilizing Security: A Workshop on the Liberty/Security Dilemma and its Implications on Security and Policing, Organized by Turkish Police Academy and Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Sweeden), 17 - 18 October 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
14. Opening Speech on “Energy Networks and Energy Cooperation in Eastern Mediterranean”, 02 May 2014, Organized by the Hacettepe University Energy Market Research and Application Center, Hacettepe University Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey.
15. “Human Rights Education for Public Officials”, International Conference on Human Rights Education in the Light of UNESCO’s Resolutions and Data, 17 – 18 April 2014, Ankara, Turkey.
16. Chair and Commentator, “Hak Temelli Bir Cocuk Koruması ve Cocuk Koruma Sisteminde Sivil Toplumun Rolu” in Social Work Symposium 2013, (Sosyal Hizmet Sempozyumu 2013), Organized by Kocaeli University, 28-30 November 2013, Izmit, Turkey.
17. Opening Speech on “Lausanne and the Turkish Republic in the 90th Year”, 13-15 November 2013, Organized by the Institute of Ataturk Princeples and Revolutions History, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey.
18. Opening Speech on “Local Governance and Democracy in Europe and Turkey”, 21-22 March 2013, Organized by Hacettepe University, Hacettepe University, Beytepe/Ankara, Turkey.
19. Opening Speech on “World Economic Development Paradigm: Market and Beyond”, EURASIAN Forum on Social Sciences (EFSS 2012), 18-21 October 2012, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku, Azerbaijan.
20. Opening Speech on “Balkan and Balkanization”, International Congress on Neighbourhood From War to Eternal Peace on the 100th Anniversary of The Balkan Wars. 4-7 October 2012, Istanbul Gonen Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey.
21. “Refugees in Turkey: Problems and Expectations”, Turkey's Experience with Urban Refugees: Modalities and Future Perspective, The Third Academic Seminar, Organized by UNHCR, 15-16 May 2012, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
22. “Current Reflections from Satellite Cities in Turkey”, Chair and Commentator, Turkey’s Historical Tradition of Asylum: Past Practice and Future Application in the Context of Developing Frameworks, The Second Academic Seminar, Organized by UNHCR, 6-7 January 2011, Hilton Ankara/Turkey.
23. “Alternative Approahes in Combatting Terrorism (Terörle Mücadelede Alternatif Yaklaşımlar”, Chair and Commentator, 2nd International Symposium on Terrorism and Transnational Crime, Organized by International Terrorism and Transnational Crimes Research Center, Police Academy, 7-9 December 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
24. “Asylum and International Principles” in Asylum, Forced Migration and Statelessness – Academic Network Seminar, Organized by UNHCR, 3-4 December 2009, Ankara/Turkey.
25. “Terrorism and Social Environment (Teror ve Sosyal Cevre)”, 1st International Symposium on Terrorism and Transnational Crime, Organized by International Terrorism and Transnational Cerimes Research Center, Police Academy, 13-15 November 2009, Antalya, Turkey.
26. “The Security Services in Post-Conflict Missions: The Case of Kosovo”, WISC World Second Global International Studies Conference, (with Ahu Sumbas) 22-27 July 2008, Lujibljana, Slovenia.
27. “Preventive Policing Works on Youth Involvement in Terrorism: The Turkish Case”, Political Violence, Organized Crime, Terrorism and Youth, Organized by Hacettepe University (Turkey), George Masion University (USA), Turkish Manas University (Kirgizistan) and NATO, Ankara, 13-14 September 2007.
28. “Living with the Differences in Harmony: A Research on Political Attitudes in the Province of Antakya, Turkey”, Conflict, Citizenship and Civil Society, 8th European Sociological Association’s Congress of Sociology, Glasgow University, Scotland (UK), (with Ahu Sumbas), 03-06 September 2007.
29. “Terrorism in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Organized by Department of Eurasia Studies, Uppsala University, National Defence College Conference Hall, Sweden, 4-6 May 2007.
30. “Religion Based Terrorism in Turkey”, Anti-Terrorist Strategies: Comparing the Experiences of the U.S., Great Britain, France, Turkey, and Russia, Organized by American University (USA), Nizhny Novgorod University (Russia) and NATO, American University, Washington DC, USA.3-7 May 2006.
31. “Letf-Wing Terrorism in Turkey”, Social Dynamics of Global Terrorism and Prevention Policies, Organized by NATO, Sociology Association of Turkey and General Directorate of Security of Turkey, Ankara, 6-7 April 2006.
32. “Categories of Terrorism: Left-wing Terror Organizations”, Definition, Dimensions and Categories of Terrorism, Organized by The Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism, Ankara, 23-27 January 2006.
33. “Terrorism and Terror Organizations in Turkey: An Overall Evaluation”, International Istanbul Conference on Democracy and Global Security, Conrad Hotel, İstanbul, 9-11 June 2005.
34. “The Prison Within Prison: A Research on Women Prisoners in Turkey”, British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2003 (Social Futures: Desire, Excess & Waste), York University, UK, 11-13 April 2003.
35. “Terror and Turkey: An Overall Review”, The 1st International Symposium on the Peace and Security in the East and South Eastern Anatolia, Firat University, Elazig, 27-29 March 2000.
36. “Terrorism and Terror Organizations in Turkey”, International Conference on Migration, Cultural Conflict and Crime, 6-7 July 1999, Israel.
37. “The Selection Process of the Turkish Police Force”, Crime and Social Research, The Nottingham Trend University, (U.K), 22-23 September 1997.
38. “Who are the Turkish Police? A Socio-economic Perspective”, European Association of Turkish Academics (EATA) London Seminars, London School of Economics and Political Sciences (UK), 30 May 1993.
39. “Researching Recruitment, Occupational Consciousness and Professionalism in the Turkish Police”, Socio-Legal Postgraduate Conference, University of Sheffield (UK), 16-18 December 1991.